Each country has its own rules and regulations. Therefore, we advise our guests to plan their trip themselves based on the information provided by the local authorities. If you are not permitted to travel to Italy, you have the option of rescheduling your stay to a later period within the next 12 months. We can also provide you with a voucher for the value of the deposit already paid. This will also be valid for 12 months.
The Italian government works with a system of zones (red, orange, yellow, white, depending on the sanitary situation. These can change from week to week. You can also visit the website of the italian government. You will also find a list of frequently asked questions or via Covidzone.info you can see per day which region has which colour.
Please note that it is compulsory to carry a mask at all times and to wear a mask in enclosed spaces (except private homes) and in public outdoor areas. The following do not have to wear a mask: children under 6 years of age, persons with an illness or disability that is incompatible with wearing a mask and persons exercising a sporting activity.
The "social distancing" remains compulsory.
When entering Italy, you must present the negative result of a molecular or antigen test carried out 48 hours before your arrival in Italy.
To enter Italy, since 24 May you also have to fill in the Digital Passenger Locator Form (dPLF) (this seems to be a precursor of the European Travel Document), both when you travel by plane and when you travel by car, bus, train and boat. Through this link you will find more information (you can change the language to English or German), through this link you can fill out the form digitally.
Through this link you can find the European map of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), which is updated every Wednesday.
The European Union maintains a website with all current travel information and special measures taken per Member State: Re-open EU. All information for Italy can be found via this link